Eleanor Bartlett

The Vanner Gallery is presenting a solo exhibition by Eleanor Bartlett, a renowned British artist known for her intense and powerful works with tar. Bartlett’s art, often in black and white, is characterized by a fascinating combination of brutality and beauty. Her paintings and installations use industrial materials such as tar, wax and metal paint and explore elementary forms that explore the concept of emptiness.

The exhibition offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience the impressive materiality and dynamic texture of Bartlett’s works at close range. Her art invite us to penetrate the apparent simplicity of the surfaces and explore the complex layers beneath.

Bartlett has exhibited widely in the UK, most recently as part of the Aesthetica Art Prize 2024 exhibition at York Art Gallery, in a solo exhibition at Beam in Nottingham in November 2023, and at Clifton Cathedral in Bristol in June 2023. Numerous awards include National Open Art and the RWA in Bristol. 

Eleanor Bartlett
14 June → 27 July 2024
Installation View of Eleanor Bartlett at Vanner Gallery, Painting: Small painting, 2022, Tar and metal paint on canvas 13 x 18cm © Image Courtesy the gallery, Photography by Ash Mills
Installation View of Eleanor Bartlett at Vanner Gallery, Painting: Small painting, 2022, Tar and metal paint on canvas 13 x 18cm © Image Courtesy the gallery, Photography by Ash Mills
Installation View of Eleanor Bartlett at Vanner Gallery, Painting on the right: Scored I, 2000, Tar and metal paint on canvas, 122 x 61cm, Painting left on the wall: Small painting, 2021, Wax on canvas, 30 x 41cm, Foreground on the floor: Wax tablets I & II, 2023 , Wax on wood and canvas, 20 x 77 x 61cm (each), Background on the floor: Black painting, 2023, Tar and metal paint on canvas, 90 x 61cm © Image Courtesy the gallery, Photography by Ash Mills
Installation View of Eleanor Bartlett at Vanner Gallery, Painting on the right: Scored I, 2000, Tar and metal paint on canvas, 122 x 61cm, Painting left on the wall: Small painting, 2021, Wax on canvas, 30 x 41cm, Foreground on the floor: Wax tablets I & II, 2023 , Wax on wood and canvas, 20 x 77 x 61cm (each), Background on the floor: Black painting, 2023, Tar and metal paint on canvas, 90 x 61cm © Image Courtesy the gallery, Photography by Ash Mills

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Aesence is an independent art and design publication dedicated to minimalist aesthetics. Founded out of a deep appreciation and fascination, Aesence strives to be an inspiring, informative and truly useful resource for its readers.

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