Contemporary Art Shows In September 2024 For Minimalist Art Lovers

Summer is slowly coming to an end and the art world is gradually awakening from its summer break. September offers a fine selection of special shows for lovers of minimalist art.

In Seoul, Pace presents an exceptional show with Lee Ufan and Mark Rothko and in Paris, Galerie Dutko is showing new “Shaped Paintings” by the American artist Ted Larsen. In New York, Pablo’s Birthday is presenting works by the German artist Frank Gerritz. In Barcelona, new works by Nuria Maria will be on display at Alzueta Gallery, and in Edinburgh, &gallery is presenting a beautiful collection of works by the two abstract artists Andrew Clausen and Richard Perry.

These are my favorites for this month. If you want to explore all shows, click here.

Correspondence – Lee Ufan And Mark Rothko
Seoul, Pace Gallery

Pace is presenting a special exhibition in parallel with Frieze Seoul, curated and featuring works by Lee Ufan in dialogue with Mark Rothko.

Lee Ufan, known for his deep appreciation of nature and materiality, combines space, perception and object. Mark Rothko, a central artist of the New York School, is renowned for his color-intensive paintings. The works of both artists are presented separately, but the exhibition highlights their common features in color, surface and atmosphere.

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Ted Larsen: Out of the Ordinary
Paris, Galerie Dutko

In September, Galerie Dutko in Paris will present the exhibition “Out of the Ordinary” by the American artist Ted Larsen. In his third exhibition with the gallery, Larsen will show around 30 new works. The artist is known for his “Shaped Paintings”, which are made of recycled materials and question the boundaries between painting and sculpture. Larsen, who draws influence from movements such as Russian Suprematism and American Minimalism, explores the relationship between artwork and space in his works.

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Ted Larsen on view at Galerie Dutko
Ted Larsen on view at Galerie Dutko from September 14 to October 26, 2024. © The Artist, Image Courtesy Galerie Dutko

Frank Gerritz: Dark | Light | Space
New York, Pablo’s Birthday

Pablo’s Birthday presents the ninth solo exhibition with Frank Gerritz. Entitled “Dark | Light | Space”, the exhibition pays tribute to twenty years of collaboration with the artist. Gerritz’s works are characterized by precision and geometric composition in a minimalist color palette. His works explore the relationship between light, space and human presence and invite active contemplation. With his works, Gerritz questions the conventions of minimalism and combines them with human qualities and existence.

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Andrew Clausen & Richard Perry: Material & Form
Edinburgh, &gallery

The exhibition “Material & Form” at &gallery presents works by the artists Andrew Clausen and Richard Perry. Andrew Clausen is showing new wall pieces. His works are based on photographs of architecture and industrial machinery, which he translates into concrete castings on resin-bound canvas.

Richard Perry, on the other hand, shows sculptures, mainly made of Blue Irish Limestone, with a focus on geometric and organic forms that reflect nature and architecture. These and other fascinating works by the two artists invite you to explore the boundaries between material and form and challenge your usual perceptions.

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Andrew Clausen, Deal on Main, Fiber-reinforced cast concrete and 3D-printed iron composite on resin bonded
canvas, 18,5 x 13,5 x 3 cm © The Artist, Image Courtesy &gallery
Andrew Clausen, Deal on Main, Fiber-reinforced cast concrete and 3D-printed iron composite on resin bonded canvas, 18,5 x 13,5 x 3 cm © The Artist, Image Courtesy &gallery
On view: Richard Perry, Headland 4, Blue Irish limestone 21 x 22.5 x 22.5 cm © The Artist, Image Courtesy &gallery
Richard Perry, Headland 4, Blue Irish limestone 21 x 22.5 x 22.5 cm © The Artist, Image Courtesy &gallery

Nuria Maria: Granite Spring
Barcelona, Alzueta Gallery Turó

Alzueta Gallery Turó in Barcelona is presenting the third solo exhibition of the Dutch artist Nuria Maria. Born in 1990, Maria is known for her abstract paintings, in which she captures the atmosphere of certain moments and memories. Her works are characterized by an interplay of color fields and precise brushstrokes that illustrate the connection between nature, time, memory and love.

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See all exhibitions here

Aesence is an independent art and design publication dedicated to minimalist aesthetics. Founded out of a deep appreciation and fascination, Aesence strives to be an inspiring, informative and truly useful resource for its readers.